Friday, December 29, 2006

The Magic Chair

This chair came from on high, and descended to the mortals to ease their baby pains.

That is right this thing probably is the best invention, hands down.  Whenever we have a crying baby on our hands, we simply place him in the magic chair and gently rock him off to sleep.  It works every time, and to this day its precision still amazes me.  

B.C. (Before the Chair) there were long crying episodes, sore arms, and tired parents.  Now we have a much easier time eating dinner with a peaceful baby and even watching a movie if were lucky.  All in all I think it depends on the baby. That being said, it is easy to see that Kai is a really good kid.  He is easy going, doesn't want to much, very content with some milk, and let's you know when he needs his Magic Chair.

This great piece of baby equipment was a good solid buy, and is something that we can't live without from now on.  

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