Friday, December 29, 2006

The Magic Chair

This chair came from on high, and descended to the mortals to ease their baby pains.

That is right this thing probably is the best invention, hands down.  Whenever we have a crying baby on our hands, we simply place him in the magic chair and gently rock him off to sleep.  It works every time, and to this day its precision still amazes me.  

B.C. (Before the Chair) there were long crying episodes, sore arms, and tired parents.  Now we have a much easier time eating dinner with a peaceful baby and even watching a movie if were lucky.  All in all I think it depends on the baby. That being said, it is easy to see that Kai is a really good kid.  He is easy going, doesn't want to much, very content with some milk, and let's you know when he needs his Magic Chair.

This great piece of baby equipment was a good solid buy, and is something that we can't live without from now on.  

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Kai want more...

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Kai goes Golden

Bath Time I
Originally uploaded by amontice.

Baby Kai loves bath time, and I love to take pictures of him in the bath.

Not only does he make the best faces, but you can even get some pretty sweet hair dos out of the tub. I think this one is best stated as, "King Cut."

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Kai want more...

Monday, December 25, 2006

Tough Guy Christmas

A recent photo-shoot in the Monticello household produced some fine pictures. Fit with holiday vigor, the Boys are looking healthy and ready to wreck that Christmas turkey.

Well done Nick, Nice Form.

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Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas *with baby love

Merry Christmas, Happy holidays, have a happy New Year!

It's all there written on the newborn's face. Kai sends his best from Japan, and to all a good night.

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Saturday, December 23, 2006

Kai Kalendar

For all of you out there on the Kai Calendar, you will already know this when I say it, but I am going to go ahead and say it anyway: today we are 5 weeks old!

That's right, Kai is 5wks and going strong. And in honor of the big guy's achievement, we have a live (and I do mean live here, as this video was taken this evening) video of Kai-chan giving his acceptance speech. If you listen closely you will hear him tell you, very clearly, "One: I am cuter than you," and, "Two: I am cuter than you, when you were as big as me."

The latter might be a stretch, but I think we can all agree on the former. We'll I won't keep you any longer.

Enjoy the show.

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Kai want more...

Friday, December 22, 2006

Baby Fickr: Lay Down I

Lay Down I
Originally uploaded by amontice.
Check out my new pics YO! And also the additions to the Dreamy Set.

If you didn't know about the slide show, it might be an easier way for you to see all the photos.

Enjoy, more coming soon.

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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Squint I

Squint I
Originally uploaded by amontice.
This is hot off the press from Flickr, and is just one of the many photos you can find there. From time to time I will send over a picture from Flickr so you can see the new action shots, but feel free to uuooooo and awwwwww yourself anytime.

The photos will take on the Roman Numeral System, I don't know why, I just thought it would be fun.  I want to try and group them all into facial expressions, even pictures that weren't taken at the same time.  That way if you are ever in need of a Kai Grimace you will know where to look.  One suggestion is to search though the tags, if you are looking for something specific.

I thought squint was an appropriate title, what do you think?

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Baby Abundance

There is a new way to share pictures of Kai.  

Besides Baby A Day There is Flickr where lots of the extra photos will show up.  I only choose the best photos for Baby A Day, but I didn't want to leave the other pictures out.  This new site, will allow you to see the other pictures I have snapped along the way, and trust me there are a lot.  It is so hard to take just one picture when I pull out the camera and I figured why not share this abundance of photos with the rest of you.

So sit back and enjoy a Slide Show. If you turn the speed up really fast its kinda like a crude video, yet i'st still fun to watch.

After this post has past, you can always get to The Flickr Photos via the link in Kai's profile to the left.  


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Kai want more...

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Baby Update

Yesterday we went to the doctors for Kai's one month check up and boy has he grown.

In only 4 weeks he has gone from 3.8kg/8.5lbs to 4.9kg/10.8lbs. This has got to be some kind of Japanese Baby record; when we were at the hospital, Kai was by far the biggest kid there, out weighing all the babies in the place. His legs didn't even fit on the little table they used to measure him.

Besides his weight, he has grown from 52cm to 58cm. That is a 2in growth to 22.5in. I was talking to my parents and they said I weighed 11.4lb at 4 months; Kai is going to have that beat in no time. You can see how big Kai is in comparison to other kids, just when you lay him down next to another baby. It's funny to see, and next time I have then chance I will take a picture.

Until then I am going to go do chin-ups so I can carry Kai when he is 3 months old.

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Kai want more...

Friday, December 15, 2006

Kai hits 4 WEEKS

Saturday the 16th is Kai's 4 week B-day and he has grown a lot. He always finds a new way to surprise us everyday and its been a real adventure with him.

It's been fun these past few weeks, and my hat is off to Aya: the woman in charge doing the majority of the baby work. She has done so much with Kai and taken care of him every step of the way. Its hard being away all day, and then sometimes doing things after work and not ending up home till 9 at night. I thank Aya for everything she has done in these past weeks, and she is the reason why Kai is growing up so healthy and strong.



Thank God as I write this, I am finishing out my last day of School! It's winter break finally, and this will give me a chance to spend a lot more time with Aya and Kai. We got a big vacation planned of changing diapers and catching some serious ZZZs. I can't wait. Also Nick, aka the wild card, will be visiting this winter for New Years, along with spending his 19th birthday in Nihon.

I'm looking forward to the long break and the time with the fam. It's time to begin the Holiday Season.


Kai want more...

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Baby Blues

Recently Kai has used his cry-tactics to the (n)the degree.

Kai has decided that crying is the way to go, making life in the Monticello house, a little tense at times. This can be expected with a new baby, crying is obiviously natural for a newborn, we just wish there was an off button for it sometimes.

No need to worry, Kai is okay and nothing bad has happened, it's just that we are now beginning to get the Real Baby Wails (Kid's Got Good Lungs, what can I say). It is difficult though, to hear your child cry sometimes and not be able to console him; but we do have a magic cure for the Baby Blues: MILK TIME. 99% of the time, this is a perfect cure, and usually that other 1% is just a diaper change away.

WaahHHHHAaaaaahhhhh :"(


Kai want more...

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Oh yeah, I forgot

I forgot to tell you all about Kai's middle name. We decided to go with Marion, instead of Michael. Marion was my grandfather's name and is actually my confirmation name too. It was my first choice and I am glad we went with it.

The Biggest Baby In Japan

Kai Marion


Kai want more...

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Baby A Day

Baby A Day is here! It's up and running and you will receive your Daily Baby Picture everyday, come rain, snow or typhoon.

Check out the site, and sign up to Baby A Day by Email, bookmark it [Control+D when on the page], sign onto the Baby Feed, or just do it the old fashion way: check the site every day.

It is up to you, but most of all, enjoy the beautiful baby pictures!

Taker easy,

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Baby Weigh In

He is a Big Baby, that is for sure.

Yesterday the Nurse from the hospital came by for a baby checkup and she found Kai to be in excellent health. He is now weighing in at 4.3kg or 9.5lbs! Baby Kai is only 2 and a half weeks old, but he can definitely pack a good punch.

We did a little more "tummy time" the other day, and I was surprised and how strong he has become. He was picking his head up no problem, and looking around; at one point he almost flipped himself back over onto his back.

Well we have a lot to look forward to in the coming months, and I am sure Baby Kai will no disappoint.

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Kai want more...

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Feed Note

For all the subscribers to the feed, sorry it was down there for a couple of days, but it is all fixed now and you can get all the baby goodness you need. The pictures and videos and everything else are also back on there.

For those who are wondering the feed is a simple version that uses RSS (really simple syndication) to view the blog. This makes it easier if you are searching just for the content / stories / pictures / etc.. and not to concerned with the rest of the stuff on the site. Its also helpful if you want to manage Kai along side of your other favorite websites, allowing you to check for updates and new content easily.

If you all have any questions I would be glad to help you out. Let me know.

And just to keep you informed, BabyAday is now here! Check it out! It will be up and running shortly.
Kai want more...


Sunday, December 03, 2006

Mother and Child

I prestent to you The Cutest Kid . (period) This only hours after his birth; you can already see the Charm.

I can't be persuaded otherwise. I bet you'll say the same after a viewing of this:


Kai want more...


Saturday, December 02, 2006

Make a Difference

December 1st was World Aids Day. Take a moment and check out Project Red. It might make the difference in some baby's life.

God Speed

Support World AIDS Day
Kai want more...


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